3 Tips to Become an Online Writer

An online writer or article writer is referred to as one of the people who carry out writing activities in creating an article/article. Articles will be made by an author according to the ability and understanding of what he will write. There are so many names for writers, including freelance writers, scientific article writers, and many other kinds of writers.

Some products or collections of articles are referred to as the work of an article writer. There are so many out there who work through writing. One of the best article writers in Indonesia is Pramoedya Ananta Tour. “A person may be as intelligent as the sky, but as long as he does not write, he will be lost in society and from history. Writing is work to eternity.” Those are the pearls of wisdom from Pramoedya.

In this era of digitization, articles are considered as the spearhead of online business. Therefore, to meet market needs, many have opened article writing services in online media and mainstream media. They also recruit writers by opening online/freelance article writer vacancies. The freelance article writer is the same as a freelance writer. This writing vacancy is usually opened at the request of a very high article by the masters.

Tips to Become an Online Writer

How do / tips to become an online article writer? There are many ways to become an online article writer. You can open your own service or you can, for example, write for some SEO experts, bloggers, and online shops.

1.      Do Branding By Opening Your Own Article Writing Services

If you really want to open a freelance writing service / online, then one way to become a freelance article writer is not difficult. You will only do marketing branding on your own article writing service website. Thus you will be able to become an article writer.

2.      Join Agency Companies, Online Stores or Masters and Bloggers

Every company and anyone who needs this service, of course, have their own way of recruiting these freelance article writers according to their needs. Usually, they will provide several examples of freelance writer articles that will be recruited. There are many names for the author of this article. For example, by writing on Babe’s website, they are called Babe article writers. There are many more mentions from the author of this paid article.

If an article writer works for a writing company or service, it will usually be paid per word. The price of article writing services is not the same as one another. Because the job is also not the same. So you will get different fees of course.

3.      Joining Andikawayanreview Article Writing Services

Everyone has the opportunity to become an online article writer. You can join andikawayanreview.com article writing services. We are one of the SEO article writing services, blog article writing services, English article writing services, and many other jobs. So we will recruit several professional writers to invite us to join as online writer.

However, before you join our writing team. Better think about it first. Because the payment or fee between scientific article writing services and SEO article writing services is certainly different. We dare to pay dearly for the author according to the job we provide according to the level of difficulty.

The Difference Between SEO Articles and Ordinary/Scientific Articles

SEO article writers and ordinary or scientific article writers certainly have different levels of difficulty. It is more difficult to write scientific articles. Likewise with Indonesian article writers, of course, the fees will be different from English article writers. It all depends on the level of difficulty that is done. SEO articles are easier than Scientific articles. Let’s look at some things about various articles and examples.

We will provide references or some examples of SEO articles. Starting from the difference between SEO articles and regular articles. The basic differences are in, for example:

  • Keyword Targeted.
  • Title structure that requires using targeted keywords.
  • The spread of keywords, both main keywords, LSI fund derivatives must be appropriate.

If it is an ordinary article or scientific article, of course, it can be ignored in the concept of writing. Now, compare according to your understanding and ability in writing. What kind of articles are you suitable for?

Advantages of Being a Freelance Writer Online

Being an online writer or freelance writer, in other words, an online freelance writer has many advantages. Today some of the advantages of being an online writer are:

Paid Expensive.

Being an online writer or freelance writer can be expensive. If you become an Indonesian online freelance writer or in one of the major media, the salary will be pretty good.

Be More Creative.

If you write often, your skills and abilities in writing will be more creative. You are no longer running out of words or ideas in writing. For example, you can get a job about business and other themes. By being an online writer before, it becomes easier to accept any niche or theme.

Learn New Things

By becoming an online writer, new things will be easy for you to know. Especially regarding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which will make your writing more and more visited by readers. In addition, the advantage of being a content writer is that it can make you have more and up-to-date experience.

Adding insight

If you write often, your insight will automatically increase. This can be your capital in receiving several jobs from clients. Because it is undeniable, to be able to become an article writer, you must have broad insight.

Helpful For Others.

The advantage of being the last content writer is that it can be useful for other people. In addition to your profession being paid, you also have the opportunity and opportunity to share information with others. So it can be very useful for others.

Although the profession of being an article writer is considered trivial, there are many advantages that we can get.