Appearing as a keynote speaker at the Huawei Global MBB Forum taking place in Dubai, UAE, Huawei Rotating Chair Ken Hu urged the industry to step up efforts to bring relevant 5G use cases to enterprises and continue to upgrade networks to meet high performance requirements in AR and VR applications.
Beyond smartphones, he argues that carriers have not adequately addressed the industry’s 5G network issues and need to develop more sustainable business models. Because Huawei’s research shows there are more than 10,000 B2B projects worldwide, more than 50 percent of which are in China.
As reported by the Mobile World Live page, Hu highlighted some of the key achievements of the cellular sector, with 176 commercial 5G networks globally, 1.5 million BTS and 500 million next-generation users.
“We should be proud of what we have achieved together, but we have more work to do,” Hu explained.
The industry initially thought 5G would redefine the user experience, he said, explaining the technology was “ten times faster than 4G, and we’re starting to see a lot of exciting new applications like 5G VR and 360-degree broadcasting, but adoption is still low.”
To take advantage of the massive AR and VR opportunities in the consumer and business sectors, he believes operators should be prepared to offer 10 milliseconds of latency and downlink speeds of at least 4 Gb/s.
“This is a basic requirement. The current network cannot support this,” Hu . said
Hu further estimated that the pandemic accelerated digital transformation by about seven years, with 81 percent of companies using cloud-based applications.